Thursday, December 27, 2012

Incredible India!(?)

Incredible India. The country where you find the snow capped roof of the world, the mighty Himalayas and the dunes of sand in Thar, the snow in the north to the sea in the south, the malls in the metros to the tribals in the heart of the country. To wrapping yourself up in snow proof gear in Drass to unwrapping yourself to sun bathe in Goa, one country that offers you everything. So Incredible India! Or is it?

Religion: It has more muslims than Pakistan, it is the 'head-quarters' of Hindutva, Chirstians have their own stake and so do Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains. We are now at a stage of maturity where hostility is not openly shown against the other religion but it exists one layer underneath. Why doesn't anyone understand that Humanity is the one main religion of 'humans' and then comes Hindu, Islam, Christianity etc.
Solution: A child needs to be taught to love and treat humans for the who they are and not for what they were born as. I say 'what' here because 'what' is dictated by factors that are beyond the control of an individual but 'who' he is totally depends on that individual. A fool proof way to achieve this in my opinion is, encouragement of cross-religion marriages.

Region and Language: I am standing in front of a travel agency in Guruvayoor(Kerala), a well dressed individual asks me the time. I tell him the time and he tells me he is waiting for a friend who was supposed to meet him there half an hour ago, I gave him a smile. He asked me, "Malayali?" I said, "No, I am from Bangalore." The change in expression and behavior was instantaneous and obvious. We started talking and 15 mins later, he bid me good bye like an old friend. Here the transition of attitude goes from 'what' to 'who'. So what I am saying is, move from the 'what' to the 'who' as quickly as possible, don't judge before knowing a person for 'who' he is rather than 'what' he is.

I am grateful to be a part of this amazing city, Bangalore which has a much much higher tolerance for the above factors than anywhere else I have been. Secondly I am lucky to be a part of the biking brotherhood where there is literally no discrimination about your language, religion, region, background, job or anything else from the first second that you become a part of this clan.

I highly recommend everyone to read "Two states" By Chetan Bhagat, my all time favorite novel. Here's the last few lines of the book which summarizes my intentions,

"The nurse cleaned the two babies and gave them to me.
'Be careful,' she said as I took one in each arm.
'You are from two different states, right? So, what will be their state?' the nurse said and chuckled.
'They'll be from a state called India,' I said"

It gives me goosebumps each time I read it. One of most inspirational writers of the world, Chetan Bhagat, one the individuals I believe could one day make India truly 'Incredible!'.


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