Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mekedatu - Unplanned adventure!

Unplanned adventures are the most interesting and fun! Have heard this a lot of times but i had my doubts, but now i have become a believer.

9pm, Vysh calls me and tells me there is going to be a ride tomorrow,with his PU friends group. 8 bikes,16 riders was the supposed head count. Barachukki was the location. i had been there with classmates less than a month ago and that is the only falls with water left this season so i agreed. Got permission at home after i told them that i am going to miss the Puttaburthy ride on Sunday :(
Anyway i weighed my choices, Puttaburthy ride(the road) was not that interesting, nor was the place of any interest- this is what Venkat sir told me. And ofcourse Andhra's heat-40-45 deg Centigrade! so i chose Barachukki, 1 am, i called kulla and the plan was not yet confirmed!! Unbelievable right?! i wanted to start early, dint want to ride in the sun. But that was not to be.

i woke up at 530 am, i am always excited before a ride so i tend to wake up early, left home by 730 am i guess, went to Ninja's place, lubricated the chain, he said he was going to NICE road, i was apprehensive about these guys that this ride is going to happen or not and for a fleeting moment, i was tempted to join Ninja, would have too if i had known about the clover leaf! which would be introduced to me by Ninja the next day:) So i went to Bunty's place, a bit of offroading there, was kind of like riding on a railway track for some distance because of WIP, got Bunty to hurry up, we reached family mart, the group except Vysh was there and they decided to go to Mekedatu instead, me and bunty tried but in vain to convince them to ride to Barachukki!
so we left with the group with Vysh starting a bit late waiting for Sumanth, poor guy had to miss out in the end because his bus had had an accident and was delayed by a few hours! Bunty's Karizma had suffered a crash the previous day when his dad was riding, right side fairing cracked, handle bent. I saw clearly that he was not able to ride and he would slow things down. We stopped at NICE road petrol bunk to fuel up, then i took his Karizma. It really annoyed me and hurt me too to see my own bike, "The Black Wind" zoom past me with someone else riding it! :( but i had to ride the Zma, i couldn't be selfish at that time so i rode it. Now this bike had a hell lot of problems- gear shifting was a pain, clutch problem, bad throttle response, not to forget no confidence inspiring brakes( especially when you are used to riding with best in the business dual disc brakes;) ) but still i did hit 120 kmph, almost scraped the left foot peg( the rider behind me later claimed, it did touch a bit:P) and somehow reached college double fast! we stayed there for a while, waiting for kulla, in the meanwhile adding a new item to out Adda's menu! Cheese chilli toast! yummy! i had a bit of fun with thumbs-up n mentos :D:P then kulla arrived and we headed towards mekedatu, scenic roads, a pity it was all dry and hot! Have to check it out in the monsoon! took a few snaps on the way:

So we reached Mekedatu just a few mins behind the rest of the group, we went in a bus to Mekedatu, there wasn't much to see there, Bunty n Vysh were already conspiring on going to Barachukki and were trying to round up people to rebel:P but then we went back and as we were crossing the river, waist deep water(well for me, chest deep for others;):D ), we went to a small rock island kind of thing and kept our bags there and got into the water, no one was wearing a watch and we lost track of time playing in the water! it was awesome fun, everybody just let their hair down and enjoyed, forgetting the outside world for a while! these are the moments in life that make life worth living for:)

Finally somebody( i suspect, it was Bunty) sneaked a look at a watch and we were running late so we got out of the water, the girls took an hour to "change"!! and then we started back, it was kind of annoying that i had the fastest indian but couldn't afford to make use of its full potential lest i end up riding alone.

Anyway we reached a Dhabha near Kanakapura, we had our Lunch/evening snacks/dinner at 7 pm :P and then we decided that 6 bikes would ride together or whatever and i would wait near college till Vyshak dropped his friend to the hostel and then we would ride together after everyone was gone.
Reality: Vysh started first, the rest followed, i started last,overtook everyone else, reached college, Vysh just came out of the gate after dropping his friend and then we rode together with the rest still behind.

I thought the fun part of the day was over but my bike had different plans. the amazing amazing headlights were so brilliant on the highway, i felt so much at ease, not just me but Vysh too who was being led by me! Love ma bike!:) its like Vin diesel said" The darkness to me is where i shine!" I had so much fun riding at night on Kanakapura road, i wouldn't be wrong if i said that was the highlight of the ride!:) We stopped near YDIT, said good bye, as i would take a left deviation from there, came home, tired but happy! So this was my ride to Mekedatu!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Angel from above!

I was alone, i was lost, heart broken,not knowing who to trust! Nothing was going my way! I was fed up of life, started thinking what my purpose is in this world! I had given up, taking life the way it came, day by day. I was living one day at a time with one thought in my mind-" jaane kya hoga mera? kya plan banaya hoga bhagwan ne mere liye, ya banaya bhi hain ki nahi!" I prayed to god-" Please god, do something, i have had enough of this life!" so the lord finally took pity on me and sent me an angel from heaven! This angel when she came into my life, little did i know her purpose but day by day as she went on doing her magic, i came to know that this is my angel, the one i have been waiting for my entire life!

I call this angel "My princess" because she is really the princess of my heart! we talked many a nights,though we were miles apart, i felt like we were together, snuggling under the warm blanket, comfortable in each others arms. She talked, i listened and then i talked and she listened, even though we have known each other for such a short while, we felt like we knew each other for an eternity! Sometimes it was as if we could read each others minds, we knew what the other would say even before they said it! and we knew exactly what to say to each other at the perfect time! Suddenly for me, my life had changed! I was walking barefoot on a path of thorns before and now i was gliding across a bed of rose petals!

One day the princess decided to make her presence felt physically and a suitable date and time was fixed! I used to keep looking at the calender and clock urging it to move faster because I couldn't take the anxiety or excitement of actually meeting the angel that gave me a new life! I was in a frenzy! For the first time in my life i was actually thinking about things like how i look, how i talk, how my demeanor should be in front of her! So i did something i wouldn't do if i was not desperate, I asked princess herself, what i should wear! And she was such a sport, so kind that she helped me out! Now i could breathe easier because i dint have to worry about how i look!

to be continued.........